$150.00 (45 minutes)
The Soli-Lite LG4 Galileo is a Class 11 Medical Device, designed to help fight the signs of aging and make the skin regain a younger look and a more even appearance within minutes by using proven wavelengths of LED light.
Photo rejuvenation is increasingly used to fight aging signs in aesthetics. The Soli-Lite system is based on the regenerating and self repairing virtues of three proven wavelengths of light. Visible Red – 633nm; Amber – 590 nm; and Near Infrared – 830 nm; to effectively fight skin slackening, facial redness and scars such as stretch marks, post surgery scars, peeling and acne conditions.
Light energy through Photobiostimulation will impact metabolism increasing the production of collagen and elastin fibers with a smoothing and toning effect to unveil beautiful skin. Unlike Intense Pulse Light (IPL) and lasers which rely on thermal injuries, the Soli-Lite is athermal and treats problems internally leaving the outer skin completely intact. Photo modulation involves the activation of mitochondria, by stimulating ATP production it has been demonstrated to be effective in causing cellular reactions capable of promoting cell growth, cellular proliferation and cell migration.
Low level light therapy is a fast growing technology used to treat a multitude of conditions that requires stimulation of healing, relief of pain and inflammation and restoration of function. Light therapy increases circulation by stimulating the creation of new capillaries, replacing those that have been damaged. It also increases lymphatic system activity as well as increasing RNA and DNA synthesis which helps replace damaged cells more promptly.