Body Treatments

Angelite New Generation Therapy

$350.00 (60 minutes)
A new generation IPL (Intense Pulse Light) medical grade technology which is non-invasive and highly effective. Excellent for uneven pigmentation, permanent hair removal, mild to moderate active acne conditions. benign epidermal pigmented lesions, vascular lesions and telangiectasia.
Series of 5 – $1250.00
Series of 10 – $1950.00
P.R. Cell Three Tier Sculpting Therapy
$ 195.00 (60 minutes)

The P. R. Cell 2G, is now combined with the efficacy of the U. Shape. Vacuum massage, motorized rolling massage, and ultrasound technology unite to provide effective and fast results for body shaping, circumferential losses, and cellulite reduction. This unique protocol provides a powerful treatment for those suffering from stubborn fat pockets and the “orange-peel” effect of cellulite. With multiple technologies at your fingertips, impressive results are now possible.

Ideal for women and men who live a healthy lifestyle yet still wish to improve their shape. Struggle with diet and exercise resistant fat pockets, or predisposed to cellulite and have not achieved significant results with other methods. The P. R. Shape Technique is customizable for all body types and can treat a range of concerns such as cellulite, dimples, love handles, saddlebags, and excessive weight in the abdomen.

Series of 5 – $775.00
Series of 10 – $1,365.00

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Please request complimentary consultation to obtain pricing.

The revolutionary treatment for spider veins and telangiectasia. Suitable for men and women of all skin types. Treating all areas of the body and with no downtime.

Veinwave is an alternative to traditional laser and light based treatments and offers unprecedented advantages. Instant results with no side effects and no hypo or hyper pigmentation. No bandages or bruising and no discomfort.